False Alarm

My Mom always said, “God’s Delay is not God’s Denial.” Well, in this situation that is certainly true. In this situation, I just needed to wait a couple days, answer the phone, and my prayers were answered!

“Hi Kaitlin, it’s Juanita again! (Oh shoot I’m thinking) I was able to move you to May 8th! Does that work for you? You would be the second surgery of the day and this way you don’t have to wait until the end of May! Can you do it?!

Juanita, you are my new best friend!

So, now my surgery is Friday, May 8th, one day after it was supposed to be! Also known as THIS FRIDAY at 12:30pm and I check in at 10:30am.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers! If you need to get ahold of me I will have my phone on me starting later into the weekend. James will be available via his phone and email to get information on me and how I am doing. Feel free to stop by and visit because James has to keep working so I will be bored and lonely and drugged 😉

Thank you for your continued support and love!

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